Such an awesome time in Minneapolis for WordCamp with amazing peeps.
Tag: WordPress
WordCamp Minneapolis 2016 Photos
Photos – #MumbaiInMarch
I think I've got most of them...
Top 5 Website Tips for Students
This is a presentation that I gave to the Global Business class at the Sheridan College Davis Campus a couple of days ago. Students are assumed to not have their own website at present and the intent was to give them tools not only to set up their own websites, but also help their clients make decisions when it comes to their websites. While the slide deck itself isn’t much, know that the presentation went on more than an hour with great discussions and many questions. Feel free to comment below and add any of your own, or ask more questions!
WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015 Photos
Here are the shots from my weekend in Ann Arbor. I decided to enjoy myself and not attempt to capture every single moment, but the moments I did capture were only a drop in the bucket of the amazing fun this weekend with amazing friends.
A big thanks once again to the organizers for inviting me to speak on WordPress 102. #nomorerootbeers #wchangover
WordPress 102 at WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015
It is such an honour to have been accepted to speak at WordCamp Ann Arbor this year. I’ll be starting off the user track at 9:30 am, so make sure you’ve got your coffee and that you come with a load of questions! We’ll have some hosting companies in the room, so let’s put them to the test!
[slideshare id=54324687&doc=wordpress102-wca2-151024031553-lva1-app6892]