Tag: Follow Friday

  • James Burchill Follow Friday

    James Burchill Follow Friday

    This article contains affiliate links.

    If you’ve been following my Escape the Castle posts as of late, you’ll know that I’m taking a course in how to build an RPG Chatbot with James Burchill. If you’ve been following me longer than that, you’ll know that I love his stuff and he has been a big supporter of mine since I met him in 2012. I wrote a Follow Friday post on him a few years ago and I figured it was time to update it. He has done a lot for me, especially when I started my company and wanted to show my support for him. He has always taken my calls and has always listened to my ramblings. For those that have heard some of these ramblings, you must know then that he must be a saint to sit through those conversations.

    I met James just over nine years ago at his first Social Fusion Network meetup in Burlington, only a week after I moved to Hamilton. Since then he has been helping small businesses with networking, marketing and doing it all for free. His Social Fusion Network events were all over Southern Ontario and not only helped the small businesses meet each other but also gave the venues a full house when they weren’t busy.

    He also gave of his time to help our students at Sheridan College, coming to speak to them and spreading the word when we needed clients for our Capstone Course. He didn’t hold back, usually giving our students his entire plan for his marketing funnel and deep discounts for his courses, which range from teaching Evernote and Scrivener to building your own course.

    Lately, James has developed a number of courses on Chatbots and is a co-founder of ChatBot Forge. He’s been running a workshop on building an RPG using chatbots (FOR FREE) and I’ve been absolutely loving it. It has revived my love of coding, even though there is no coding involved. It’s making me think in containers and variables again while giving it the creative edge that I really enjoy. I’ve wanted to build a text-based game for quite a while but hadn’t considered writing it in a chatbot. This not only helps me understand how chatbots work but gives me a portfolio piece that I can use to show potential clients.

    His YouTube segment, SmartCar Coffee Confidential, became very popular before the pandemic started and was even picked up by the local television station. In it, he interviews small business owners about their business while driving around in his Smartcar and drinking coffee. He even interviewed candidates in the last municipal election.

    But as many of us know, no good deed goes unpunished.

    He has recently been named in a lawsuit and has to mount a defence. I have personally donated to his campaign and wanted to share it in the hopes that he will make his goal. These types of ridiculous lawsuits should never be allowed in court, but unfortunately, if it goes unanswered, there will be a default judgement against him.

    While the purpose of this post is to increase the donations to his campaign, you could also go and purchase one of his courses so that he has the money to mount a defence. I’m sure that he could come up with the money, but he has done so much for the community that I felt that I needed to do something about it. Please donate if you can or buy one of James’s Courses

    And of course, you can always follow him on Twitter @jamesburchill.

  • #FF ProductCamp Toronto

    I’m sure that you’ve all heard me talk about my friend Alex Blom. He and I met at Product Camp a few years ago. I attended my first one shortly after I graduated Ryerson University.

    I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do and I’d done Project Management before, so I figured: “What’s the difference?” Boy was I wrong. One thing I figured out is that there is no real clear definition. I’m probably not the best to explain it.

    So what to do? Attend ProductCamp like I did. Last year, I even got a chance to present! Here’s the deck I prepared on the fly:

    [slideshare id=13790033&doc=socialmediachannelsproductcamp-toronto-2012-120728212608-phpapp02]

    When you arrive in the morning, register and grab a free coffee and snack (did I mention the whole day is free???). In true un-conference style, some of the topics are suggested ahead of time, and some can be suggested on the morning of the event. They are then voted on and presented as the day goes on. My suggestion to revive my earlier talk can be voted on HERE.

    I highly recommend this un-conference to anyone for great networking and knowledge. You can follow them on Twitter at @PCToronto and register for Product Camp on July 20th HERE. Hope to see you all there!

  • #FF City of Hamilton

    I attended an information session/workshop hosted by the City of Hamilton and McMaster University last night to talk about the communication channels, more specifically, the social media ones, with City Hall.

    Alex Sevigny getting the show started
    Alex Sevigny getting the show started

    My mother originally found the information in The Hamilton Spectator and handed it to me because she knew that I was interested in the City of Hamilton’s website plans. She thought this would be related. So did I.

    The evening seemed to go smoothly enough. I always enjoy hearing Dr. Alex Sevigny speak, so hearing him talk about social media and communications seemed like a good way to start the conversation and engagement.

    However, it seemed like we were being lectured to, not being asked what we, the citizens, wanted to see and how we thought best to go about doing it. Still, we pushed on to see what was going to come out of it.

    Though I enjoyed the exercise, not everyone did. The real discussion emerged after the formal program was over. What I found was that the websites that they mention in the presentation isn’t really dealt with in the discussion parts. The event was very pigeon-holed and directed. It shouldn’t have been. The discussion seemed to separate the website from the social media and communications. Hopefully, they will take not only my comments, but those of all that attended to heart.

    Since last night, the City of Hamilton twitter account has increased from about 839 to over 1200 at the time of writing. That’s a 25% increase overnight. Most people are doing #FF to the City of Hamilton today, so their timing was right. But just remember, once you’ve opened those gates, you’d better be prepared for what comes next: the conversation. I’ve already seen two tweets since last night with photos of things the City needs to fix. I have to say that I’m impressed that the City has responded to the tweet and handed it over. Well played…

    You can also read Joey Coleman’s take before the meeting and will probably post a report afterwards.

    Joey Coleman at work
    Joey Coleman at work

    I am optimistic which is why I recommend that you follow @CityOfHamilton on this great Follow Friday. I realize they will have a learning curve, which, if they play their cards right, we are willing to help them improve. Jump in #HamOnt!

  • #FF WPUniversity

    Last Saturday I attended the WordPress Toronto monthly meetup at the Ryerson DMZ hosted by WPUniversity, who launched that day. I’ve been looking forward to a product like this for a long time now and I can’t wait to start using it, contributing to it and getting my clients on it.

    WPUniversity Logo
    WPUniversity Logo

    WPUniversity is a unique plugin that you install to help you with various tasks in WordPress. It doesn’t just show you, it guides you through your own installation of WordPress to help you, as if you had an expert sitting next to you saying, “Now click here, and type this…”

    What does this do for someone like me? Won’t I lose work over this? No. As a matter of fact, I will be able to get to more clients because I won’t have to answer every question that clients might have that are basic and similar in nature. Similarly, my clients will be able to look up the help for themselves and practice it as much as they like. Then, if they still have problems, they can call upon me. I can also adjust my training when I know what pieces I might be missing from my own offering.

    They’re just getting started and we got the preview last week. If you want this great product, you’ll have to wait until about September, but it will be worth it.

    You honestly have to see it for yourself:

    In the meantime, make sure you Follow Friday this amazing team, WPUniversity (@WPUni) out of the Ryerson DMZ and catch them most likely at WordCamp Hamilton, coming on June 23, 2013. More on that next week. Until then, enjoy and welcome back to Follow Friday!

  • Resuming Follow Friday

    I did Follow Friday’s over at my original blog site and I’m sorry that I ever gave them up. I got the idea from my friend Alex Blom and now I know the challenges he had by trying to dedicate a post every Friday to a worthwhile person or company. I’m going to get back to writing them next week, but in the meantime, you can find my previous posts here. Enjoy!

    Alex, me and Jany Jang at the last HoHoTo.
    Alex, me and Jany Jang at the last HoHoTo.