Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
#TEDTuesday Sir Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity
For those that don’t know, I’m taking a few courses at Athabasca University to bump my GPA for admission to my Master’s Degree in Educational Technologies. I have figured out in recent years that this is a passion of mine and so many of my posts will be centred around educational technologies with a little…
#FF ProductCamp Toronto
I’m sure that you’ve all heard me talk about my friend Alex Blom. He and I met at Product Camp a few years ago. I attended my first one shortly after I graduated Ryerson University. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do and I’d done Project Management before, so I figured: “What’s the difference?” Boy was…
#TED Tuesday Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud
This is a video I found while studying for my course at Athabasca University in Computer Based Learning (EDPY 479). I posted one from him just last week and I don’t think there is anything Sugata Mitra can’t accomplish. When I’ve written the full assignment, I’ll probably post that too. [ted id=1678]
A Little Experiment
I have a hard time making up my mind when it comes to my own self. I can suggest three things to a client that they should do or recommend that they go a particular course. I’ve never been one for logos or tying myself to any one particular image. There are many facets to…
#TEDTuesday Sugata Mitra shows how kids teach themselves
I remember watching this one a number of years ago and was absolutely astounded. Definitely one of my favourites. [ted id=175]
Got any book recommendations?