Tag: WordCamp

  • Day One – Arrival in Mumbai #MumbaiInMarch

    I’ve always been terrible at keeping up with these things, but after watching a vlog post by Mendel Kurland yesterday, I realized I’m the same way. I hate being in front of a camera and much of what I write about my experiences I look back on and think they’re boring. Here’s hoping that changes.

    Even before I saw Mendel’s video, I had already had a chat with another friend of mine, Jo, one of the founders of #DevTO the night before I left. He encouraged me to blog about my trip, which I was planning to do, mostly with photos. I said I might even try my hand at vlogging. And so I fired up my Periscope and began at the airport in Toronto. Did another one in Frankfurt, but no one was watching mainly because it was stupid early. Will try and keep it up…promise.

    On the whole the flights have been uneventful. Very comfortable and even got a couple of seats to myself on the flight to Mumbai, which was really nice when I wanted to sleep and my stomach wasn’t feeling all that well. On the first flight, I ended up beside a Justin Bieber look-a-like, who actually turned out to be okay in the end. He and his class were taking a 10 day trip around Europe. The four seater that contained the two teens had me on one end and another woman on the other. When we were beginning our decent into Frankfurt, they began to talk about all the places she’d been with her daughter. I chimed in (probably uninvited as I am prone to do) with my current trip, spending time in Hong Kong and the like. I had to because this other woman was boring them to death. She didn’t seem too pleased, but I just saved that conversation. I may not be the most observant person, but I could tell that these two wanted her to leave them alone. I think I won them over in the end. I’m competitive, so sue me.

    Landing in Mumbai soon. Pictures to follow!

  • WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015 Photos 

    Here are the shots from my weekend in Ann Arbor. I decided to enjoy myself and not attempt to capture every single moment, but the moments I did capture were only a drop in the bucket of the amazing fun this weekend with amazing friends.

    A big thanks once again to the organizers for inviting me to speak on WordPress 102. #nomorerootbeers #wchangover

  • WordPress 102 at WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015

    It is such an honour to have been accepted to speak at WordCamp Ann Arbor this year. I’ll be starting off the user track at 9:30 am, so make sure you’ve got your coffee and that you come with a load of questions! We’ll have some hosting companies in the room, so let’s put them to the test!

    [slideshare id=54324687&doc=wordpress102-wca2-151024031553-lva1-app6892]

  • WordCamp Toronto 2015 Pre-Camp Meetup – WordPress 101 & 102

    Welcome to WordCamp Toronto 2015! These are the slide decks I’m going to use for our Pre-Camp Meetup tomorrow night at the Sanderson Library. I hope you can join us!

    WordPress 101:

    [slideshare id=53382833&doc=wordpress101-wcyyz-150930163112-lva1-app6892]


    WordPress 102:

    [slideshare id=53386484&doc=wordpress102-wcyyz-150930175901-lva1-app6891]

  • WordPress 101 – WordCamp Hamilton 2015 Video

    They’re already up! Here’s the video from WordPress.tv of my WordPress 101 talk presented at WordCamp Hamilton. Hope you all enjoyed!

    [wpvideo 7gczCpDk]