Tag: Milwaukee

  • WordPress 101 – WordCamp Milwaukee 2015

    I did quite the marathon yesterday at WordCamp Milwaukee doing 4 out of 5 talks in the User Track. We started with WordPress 101. Please tell me if I’m missing anything! This talk gets better every time I give it because of comments from people like you.

  • WordCamp Milwaukee 2014 – Content Architecture

    Thanks to everyone who came out to my talk yesterday at WordCamp Milwaukee. It was a small group but a well knit one. Apologies again for the technical difficulties, but here are the slides in all their glory! I would really love to hear some feedback on this, so please feel free to let me know how I can improve the talk.

    [slideshare id=37383188&doc=contentarchitecture-wordcampmilwauke2014-140726104048-phpapp01]