Tag: Hamilton
Organizing Your Content – WPHamOnt March 2020
It was a great pleasure to present, what was supposed to be, a lightning version of this talk, but there was such great conversation, that it carried on far longer. I would really appreciate any feedback on the presentation. Feel free to ask questions too! One thing I know that I forgot to mention about…
CPT’s vs Gutenberg Templates at WordCamp Hamilton 2019
Fantastic time this year as always! Some great discussion around this and continual learning. Here are my slides from today’s presentation. Looking forward to more discussions. As soon as I get the video, I’ll update it here. WordCamp Hamilton – CPT’s vs Gutenberg Templates from Shanta Nathwani
An Affordable REST at Coder Camp Hamilton 2019
An Affordable REST – Coder Camp Hamilton 2019 from Shanta Nathwani
WTH are CPT’s and ACF’s? – WordCamp Hamilton 2018
Thanks to the following people especially to the wonderful people that got me to WordCamp Hamilton this weekend: Morten Rand-Hendriksen for teaching me CPT’s and ACF’s on Lynda.com and answering all my crazy questions on Twitter as I learned. Michelle Schulp and Dan Beil who helped me to understand why to use these wonderful things,…
Finding Your Talk – WordPress Hamilton Meetup – April 2018
We were a small but mighty group this week at our meetup, but we helped a few people who may not have otherwise submitted to speak at our local WordCamp. Many of the myths were dispelled and barriers broken. This was definitely worth delivering and I thank the diversity team for putting this together and…