Tag: contest

  • FITC Toronto 2014 – Women’s Initiative // FITC

    Thanks to FITC for sending me to this great event last year under this amazing initiative. Let’s keep it going strong! I hope to see you all there. Even better, they’ve listed my blog post from last year as inspiration for this year’s contest. Go nuts!
    FITC Toronto 2014 – Women’s Initiative // FITC.

    Kyle McDonald At FITC 2013
    Kyle McDonald At FITC 2013
  • What Athabasca University (AU) Means To Me

    What Athabasca University (AU) Means To Me

    I’ve been fortunate enough to take three courses through Athabasca University this summer. This is my first time taking online distance education, let alone self-paced. Really enjoying going at my own speed. Almost completed one course and ready to book the exam. I’m looking forward to more from them. Taking three courses and having to finish them quickly means I have to be comfortable and be happy where I study. Admit it, you’re jealous of my classroom: