Tag: community

  • Popular WordPress Plugins

    Many of our students in the Advanced Web Design Course at Sheridan College in the CCIT program have asked about popular plugins. These students are not typically leaving their program to be web designers or developers, but they tend to be the managers.  I’ve put together some of the more popular ones to give them a start. We look at security, backups and optimization in a separate presentation, but these are plugins that help with the appearance and functionality of the front end, more or less. One of the ones not listed is Advanced Custom Fields, mainly because we actually used this in class. Something that everyone can use. These are meant for more of the case by case websites. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Would love to hear your thoughts!


    [slideshare id=73132108&doc=popularwordpressplugins-170314130823]

  • Weekly Writing Challenge: Using Forms Creatively | The Daily Post

    Weekly Writing Challenge: Using Forms Creatively | The Daily Post.

    This is a perfect challenge right now. I’ve recently started my new website and would like to know what you want to hear from me. Rather than migrating posts over from my blog site, I would appreciate your opinion on what I should post in the future here. Please take a look at my wordpress.com site if it helps, and complete this short form below.

    I’ve also been thinking of putting together a regular newsletter to include interesting events that are coming up, people looking for work, those looking for clients, communities to join and just basically connecting people.

    Many thanks!

    [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Would you like to be added to my mailing list’ type=’radio’ required=’1′ options=’Yes,No’/][contact-field label=’What topics do you enjoy reading from me?’ type=’radio’ options=’Social Media,Technology,Photography,Disability and Accessibility,Education’/][contact-field label=’Is there a topic that I haven%26#039;t covered that you would like to see me write about?’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]