Author: Shanta

  • WordPress Statistics 2013

    For the benefit of my students and those attending WordCamp Toronto this coming weekend.

    Wordpress Statistics and Numbers 2013

    Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

  • Data Architecture Presentation at WordCamp Buffalo 2013

    You can view my presentation for the session here:

    [prezi url=”” width=”600″ height=”430″ zoom_freely=”Y”]

    The test site to follow along:

  • #FF WordCamp Buffalo

    WordCamp Buffalo 2013
    WordCamp Buffalo 2013

    I have the privilege of presenting at WordCamp Buffalo this weekend on the topic of Data Architecture in WordPress. This is their second year and it’s sold out! I present this topic at Sheridan College in the CCT360 course, part of the ICCIT joint program with University of Toronto at Mississauga.  In this Intermediate Web Design, we use WordPress as their tool and it is amazing what comes out of their final projects. 

    Some of the presenters I know personally, such as Al Davis, Brian Hogg and Jordan Quintal and others I’ve just tweeted or emailed. One tweet I got from Jared Novak said he was upset that he wasn’t going to be able to see my talk because we were presenting at the same time. Hence the hashtag, #WordCampProblems. However, it turns out that we will both be at WordCamp Toronto in a few weeks, so he’ll get a chance to see it there.

    If you are planning on attending my session, may I highly recommend that you bring Post-it notes. I will have a few on hand, but you might have more fun with your own. It will be my first time presenting this topic and I hope you’ll enjoy it.

    WordCamp Buffalo, in its second year looks like it’s going to be a fun time. I’ve never presented out of country before (and yeah, I know it’s not far), but they are taking a real chance on me and for that I am thankful for. I highly recommend that you follow WordCamp Buffalo on Twitter @WordCampBuffalo and follow along with the hashtag #WCBuf tomorrow for the camp. Hope to see you there!

  • What Athabasca University (AU) Means To Me

    What Athabasca University (AU) Means To Me

    I’ve been fortunate enough to take three courses through Athabasca University this summer. This is my first time taking online distance education, let alone self-paced. Really enjoying going at my own speed. Almost completed one course and ready to book the exam. I’m looking forward to more from them. Taking three courses and having to finish them quickly means I have to be comfortable and be happy where I study. Admit it, you’re jealous of my classroom: