Be careful who you deal with out there. You never know who they might be or what they can do.
Commuter tells man to f*ck himself, then turns up for job interview with him.
Be careful who you deal with out there. You never know who they might be or what they can do.
Commuter tells man to f*ck himself, then turns up for job interview with him.
Great post by WordPress.com on Content Theft. Will be great content for my students!
Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday do see my presentation on WordPress 101. Here are the slides, but please feel free to ask more questions here! It is certainly a long conversation, so let’s get it started!
Haltech is hosting me to do a WordPress 101 session this coming Thursday, January 15, 2014 at 9 am at the Burlington Hive. If you are interested, please sign up here: REGISTER.
You can take a look at my WordCamp Tour 2014 in my gallery.
Feel free to take a look at some presentations I gave in 2014 on various WordPress topics at WordCamps across North America:
WordCamp Ottawa – Content Architecture Workshop
WordCamp Chicago – WordPress 101 | Video
WordCamp Milwaukee – Content Architecture
WordCamp New York – WordPress 101
WordCamp Los Angeles – WordPress for Non-Profits
This is the form to be completed if you are interested in becoming a client for the CCT406 course starting on January 6, 2014 at Sheridan College as part of the ICCIT Joint Program with the University of Toronto at Mississauga. We are looking to work directly with clients of any size, either for profit or not-for-profit. Ideally, these clients will be located in Mississauga, Oakville or Burlington, but we are open to suggestions.
We are doing the “discovery” part of the project at no cost. In April, groups will present their analysis and findings in the form of a proposal of what they are recommending to the client. They will present their discovery in front of their peers, their instructors/professors, a set of “Dragons” that will drill them and other invited guests, including the clients. Clients will receive a copy of the proposal. Clients will NOT receive the final product. Our hope is that clients will be so impressed that they will be willing to hire them to implement their recommendation. There is no obligation to do so, but we think you will like what you see.
Ideally, we would like our groups to be formed and select their clients on the first day. There is no guarantee that a client will be chosen, but everyone that submits will receive a response. Either I, or my co-instructor, may contact you for any clarification that might be needed. We will not divulge any of the information you give us to anyone outside of the project, unless we have your permission.
By submitting this form, you are expressing an interest. If you don’t wish to proceed, please contact me immediately, PRIOR to the start of the course so we can withdraw it from selection. If you require further information, please contact me directly. We look forward to working with you!