Lyndon and I run into each other all over the place. We’ve met up at a couple of Citizenbridge meetings, a forum at Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University on Entrepreneurship and most recently at ProductCamp Toronto which I did a #FF post on a couple of weeks ago. I’m happy to say that this is happening more frequently.
I always joked that he looks like Mark Holmes, lead singer of the 80’s band, “Platinum Blonde”. He even has the accent to back it up. I swore to friends of mine at the Retro Road Show that I was going to bring “Mark Holmes”. When I finally got him out to one this past Saturday, my friends had to do a double take. He had such a great time, he wonders why he hasn’t gone to one before now. I know I’ve hooked a regular!
He and I have had some really great conversations about public relations, marketing, politics and even retro music. A couple of days ago, we had an awesome exchange on Twitter about @Indie88Toronto and @RickAstley. Being the retro fan that I knew he was, I had to share my discovery with him. Loved his response!:
@tantienhime it’s never going to give it up, never going to let us down. Never going to run around and desert us!
— Lyndon Johnson (@lyndonJJ) July 24, 2013
We’d also met up in Waterloo a couple of times and I’ve read quite a few of his posts regarding BlackBerry’s marketing failures. However, his post on “The Problems with Social Media Narcissism” definitely hits home with me and is something I have been saying for months since LinkedIn introduced endorsements. I haven’t kept up with his blog lately (he blogs a lot!), but I’m going to make it part of my everyday reading from now on. I should have added it a long time ago.
At ProductCamp Toronto last weekend, we attended each other’s sessions (we both gave talks, but he won the best talk in his category). He never stepped on people’s toes, rather supported a point that was made or gave great examples.
He has some really interesting things to say and is also a great listener. Follow his tweets @lyndonJJ personally and his company Think Different[ly] @THINK_Lyndon. I know you’ll all enjoy.