Tag: DevTo

  • DevTO – Everything I Need To Know About Life I Learned at Code School – Full Version

    Thanks once again to DevTO for having me speak at their monthly meetup. This time we were hosted at Pivotal Labs, and while the crowd was small, there was still great discussion. The video is below the slides. I’m also going to be delivering a version of this at WordCamp Toronto in a couple of days, so if you missed this one, I hope that we will see you there!

    [slideshare id=80223475&doc=devto-everythingineedtoknowaboutlifeilearnedatcodeschool-170927162751]


  • Everything I Need To Know About Life I Learned At Coding Camp – Lightning Talk at DevTO

    I was happy to step up to the plate when organizer, Nael Shawwa asked if I’d be interested in giving a lightning talk…now! I decided to do a lightning version of my talk that I will be delivering at DevTO this Monday and again at WordCamp Toronto next weekend! I hope to see you all very soon.

  • Beginning BrainStation

    Today, I start BrainStation in the full time Web Development bootcamp. For the next 10 weeks, Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, I’m coding. I won’t be teaching and probably not responding to a heck of a lot during that time, but I’ll be around.
    The timing for this was perfect. I have about a month off from teaching between semesters anyway and figured, why not use the time to my advantage? I’m not missing a whole semester, but only 6 weeks of teaching, representing May and June. I plan on returning to Sheridan College for the July/August portion of the semester, but who knows how long that will last?
    I know a lot of stuff, but only in bits and pieces. I’ve learned that I have trouble learning on my own time, at my own pace, so dedicating the time to this, without other obligations is the only way I’m going to get this done.
    Why BrainStation? Firstly, they start us off nice and easy with HTML and CSS. This gives me a chance to get back into the swing of things and get accustomed to being a student again, rather than a teacher. Let someone else be responsible for being in front of the room and doing the slides. I’ll just sit and learn. Second, the schedule fit perfectly with the timing of what was going to work for me. Lastly, but certainly not least, I got an automatic $1,000 scholarship for being a woman in technology from BrainStation. It didn’t hurt that they are one of the educational partners for DevTO and that it turns out that I know one of the admissions officers.
    So here’s me, off on my first day as a student…again. Will try to write as frequently as I can, but know that I’m going to be focussing on other things. That being said, looking forward to seeing what opportunities the future holds. I may even be looking for my next opportunity when this is all over. Hope you will join me on this journey!
    And hey, I even started using Instagram. Find me @ShantaDotCa.


    First day of new life @brainstation. #coding #inspiration

    A post shared by Shanta Nathwani (@shantadotca) on

  • Teaching Technology at #DevTO – Video

    And if you didn’t get a chance to attend, here’s the video from my talk #DevTO last month. Hope to see you at another one soon. Keep the conversation going!

  • Teaching Technology at DevTO – Slide Deck

    A big thanks to DevTO and the amazing people at Shopify for hosting our talk on Teaching Technology with Marc Lijour of Cisco. Here are my presentation slides from the event, but as those who attended will know, the conversation was much more than just the slides! I still welcome feedback on this topic and want to make sure we’re going in the right direction. Amazing time was had by all, and great job by my students that actually attended!

    Here are three of my students that decided to come out and support me. Thanks to @JoshuaKYuh for the photo!
    Here are three of my students that decided to come out and support me. Thanks to @JoshuaKYuh for the photo!