Crowdsourcing My Next Business Card Picture

Patty Boland's for the speaker's dinner at WordCamp Ottawa 2014

Last year, if you may recall, l posted about my business card experiment. Thanks to everyone who read the post, participated and listened to my story. Most successful experiments have a great story. I’ve determined which photo did the best (in terms of getting traffic to my website),  which ones were taken most often and which one didn’t do so well. l will post separately on my findings, but I need to find a new photo! I’m going to remove this photo:


Keeping in mind that these are the three  photos that I’m keeping:




Which of these would you use? I’m still working out some issues with photos uploading/displaying properly in WordPress over the last few versions, so I apologize if you can’t see them all that properly. Would welcome any comments as well!

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